Kolaveri di Female Version by GigDad Music
Now you can find Female version of Peppy song "Kolaveri Di", its recently uploaded on youtube by GigDad Music.
GigDad received mixed response on their Kolaveri from audience around 5000 likes & dislikes each, they humbly accepted all +ives and -ives (including some abusive ones ;)
It doesn't matter that they got many Dislikes, what matters is they could attract millions of visitors in short span, made great use of opportunity @ right time. I would give them a Thumb Up ;) a nice attempt.
GigDad Team is excited with around a million Hits on Youtube.
Here are some selected comments (:
It doesn't matter that they got many Dislikes, what matters is they could attract millions of visitors in short span, made great use of opportunity @ right time. I would give them a Thumb Up ;) a nice attempt.
Here are some selected comments (:
Musicians did good job! If only the girl would have focused more on singing than acting..... oh well 1.2 million hits for cute girl, not bad!
guys..............fantastic effort, I saw u guys have got mixed
reviews.........I personally loved the effort, d vdo worked d magic and
the lady trying to get the Tamil accent right was bloody cute!!! U'v
succeeding in getting our attention with this................build on it
Danush is current year national award winner for best actor :) he seemd normal when he sung . but u suck with over reactions .
The Judgement Day is coming when the number of DISLIKES will surpass number of LIKES LOL
Nothing like the original..Copy-cats will be copy-cats, the 5272
dislikes speaks volumes...Dhanush guy was the original & jokers like
these can only expect to steal some of his fame!!
don't try to copy Dhanush.... u r bad at that..... Totally f**kin
pronunciation of words and annoying rhythm ...... U need more practices
GigDad replied to their fans:
great attempt.. keep it up guys.....
Great work .. guys .. Keep it up . it's very nice .. your instruments work is awesome .. god bless you ..